We directors of EYEFORTE CARE PRIVATE LIMITED run the company with the blessings of the supreme father from whom all the power flows my akin and extended family of trusted employees.
Eyeforte the name itself depicts strength, strong point, talent and last claim to fame. The quality of the products of our company, our talented employees are the strength of our company who give a name and fame. We feel proud to serve people with quality eye care services to each and every section of the society. We are not confined to only refractive error correction but the core optometry services.
We are here to help the poor and needy people and to improve the vision by any means. As the phrase suggests “cares for perfect vision” we will be happy to help to give the smile on the face of the customers.
Based on strong foundation, blessing and with perpetual support from multitudinous people who have placed their faith on us. We provide qualitative and trendiest eyewear to people. As passes, we are now Equanimeous to take our company to a next possible different level of heights.
With your supports, well wishes and blessings, we were abled to open many EYE FORTE EXCLUSIVE showrooms in India and need more to extend them not only in India but throughout the world.
I’d like to convey my gratitude to everyone who has been a part of us by any ways.
I pledge to sustain the same passion and to give best eye care services all over the world.
Finally we want to state that we want to take our company to the zenith of optometry with the full submission and dedication of all the persons who are with us.