The information’s which are put on the company website Eye Forte are accurate and correct and all necessary steps and actions are taken for this. However Eye Forte does not make any warrants nor any delegations that the information provided on the site is correct, accurate or complete. Company won’t take any responsibility for any direct or indirect or by any other damage caused due to the use or inability to use the services and unauthorized access to or any other matter relating to services or data.
Eye Forte shall not be responsible for any delay or inability to use the website or related services, failure to provide services in time or any other information or services obtained through the website. We won’t take any responsibility for non-availability of the website during server updation, correction or due to any technical error.
The company won’t take any responsibility to the damage of their computer system during downloading of any material from website.
Before downloading any material from website the user’s should understand and agrees the term and conditions and obtain or download at their own risk.
Note : All the image are used in website for only representing purpose.